The backbone of the VDSA is the time and effort generously donated by its members. Without this, we could never have achieved what we have so far.

No offer to help is too small, and whatever your timetable and skill set we can find you a role. Aside from participation in our main programs, we are always grateful for assistance in the administration, improvement and promotion of our association.

Core Programs:

ASC Hot Lunches

The Eating Together Volunteer Program offers monthly hot lunches to the clients of the Asylum Seekers Centre, these are refugees who have been already released/ integrated in the community. They are people coming from war torn countries – Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Burma, Central Africa etc – where they have experienced severe poverty, famine, different forms of persecution and in many cases severe trauma.

To find out more click here.

Growing Food For the Disadvantage

Members of the Association have created a organic vegetable & herb garden. Produce is donated weekly to the Women’s & Girls’ Emergency Centre in Redfern and is also used in preparation of lunches for the Refugees at the Asylum Seeker Centre.

To find out more click here.

Villawood Volunteer Program

The Villawood Volunteer Program focuses on asylum seekers in detention at Villawood Immigration Detention Centre (VIDC) in Chester Hill. Most asylum seekers are young, fleeing from situations of persecution, danger, discrimination, often based on their ethnicity. They come from countries such as Iran, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Burma and other countries in crisis or ravaged by war.

Our program is independent of any religious affiliation or political party and has a strong focus on humanitarian support. Our aim is to provide a heartfelt connection and sensitive, cross-cultural discourse.

To find out more click here.

Media & Events

VDSA produces content in a variety of mediums and we are always delighted to welcome creative contributions – anything from an article for our website to video or photography documenting our activities is greatly appreciated!

We also organise regular events and an extra pair of hands never goes astray!

General Help

If you know you’d like to get involved but aren’t precisely sure in what program or in which capacity, just get in touch and we’ll be glad to discuss your skills and availability and find you a role.

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